Quiet performance
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Očekivani rok isporuke je 1-7 radnih dana
Za sve porudžbine čija je vrednost do 10.000 dinara, isporuka kurirskom službom se naplaćuje po zvaničnom cenovniku kurirske službe možete pogledati na sledećem linku. Vidi cenovnik. Besplatna isporuka na kućnu adresu važi za narudžbine u vrednosti preko 10.000 dinara i do 5kg težine, a ne spadaju u kategoriju SPECIJALNA ISPORUKA.
Kapacitet 9kg, LED ekran, 1400 obrtaja, Durable Inverter motor, A energetski razred, Pure Jet, Steam-dodavanje pare, Drum Clean, dubina 61 cm
Quiet performance
Garantovano uvek sveža odeća
Convenient, easier life
Instantly know what the problem is
Quiet performance
This powerful brushless motor with the new generation of electronics is extremely efficient and provides better cleaning effects, saves energy and produces less noise.
Garantovano uvek sveža odeća
Sa funkcijom čišćenja bubnja Drum Clean možete očistiti bubanj vaše veš mašine, pri višoj temperaturi i većem broju obrtaja bubnja kako biste osigurali odlične rezultate pranja. Održava vašu veš mašinu u najboljem stanju, a vašu odeću uvek svežom.
Convenient, easier life
The Quick Wash program dramatically shortens your waiting time and is ideal for small lightly worn laundry. Wash up to 1 kg of laundry in just 15 minutes; that's about the same time you need to take shower or make breakfast.
Instantly know what the problem is
In the extremely unlikely event of a malfunction, the self-diagnostic tools will immediately notify you with a unique error code which you can easily find in the user manual. This makes troubleshooting quick and convenient, saving you both time and stress, and makes sure both you and your appliance are safe and secure.